
Importance of Time for everyone

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

"Amongst the few crucial elements that determine our life, time is one amongst the most important one."

Amongst the few crucial elements that determine our life, time is one amongst the most important one. Time is a resource which gets exhausted very soon, in the sense that time waits for no one. You cannot increase it and no money in the world can bring back or buy you additional time.
Time is past, present and history. It has seen it all. All sorrows in the world is compensated with time, as they rightly say time is the best healer.
Time waits for no man and time once lost cannot be re-created so it is pretty much important for everyone to make the best use of time to get the best of time in the present time as well as in the future.
What we do today, determines where we will stand tomorrow and the person who makes the best use of time today gets the best of life in the future.
Time has created kings as well as beggars. Riches turn into rags and rags to riches over a matter of time. Every wok that we do requires time and time cannot be negotiated or replaced.
The best use of time will most likely give you the best in life. Some things in life are beyond our control and we need to make up for things before things run out of time. Realizing the value of time is perhaps one of the primary things which all successful people in the world stress on and advise people upon. They know how important contribution the right use of time has attributed to their success in life.


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